Volunteer for Committees

MVMA succeeds because members volunteer their time and talents for the benefit of their colleagues, the veterinary profession, the association, and animals. Whether you're interested in public health, students at Tufts University, reviewing CE programs, advocating on policy and legislation, writing articles for the newsletter, or any of our many areas of concern, we hope you'll find ways to contribute to our efforts.

Browse opportunities below and fill out THIS FORM to volunteer.

Join a Committee:

The MVMA has over a dozen committees that work throughout the year to improve the practice of veterinary medicine in Massachusetts and better serve MVMA members.

Please note: All voting committee members must be members in good standing of the MVMA. At the discretion of the Chair, a non-member may be invited to attend a meeting as a non-voting guest. Basecamp (our project management and collaboration tool) communication and activity are confidential and reserved for MVMA members only.

Topics of interest are diverse and time commitment varies depending on the committee.

Animal Welfare Large Animal
Communications Membership/Nomination
Conference and Programming MVMA Charities
Continuing Education Accreditation Professional Regulatory Relations
Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Resolutions and Bylaws
Finance Tufts Cummings Liaison
Government Relations & Advocacy Veterinary Technician
Health & Wellness Regional VMAs
International Aid

Join MVMA Leadership:

The MVMA Executive Board is made up of dedicated volunteers who act as the governing body of the Association. They hold oversight of the business, programming, and policy and are the key decision-makers.

Learn more about each position to see if you'd be a good fit:

Recent Grad? Apply to be our Emerging Leader!

Are you within 10 years of graduating from veterinary school and interested in career and personal development opportunities?
The Emerging Leader program offers recent graduates the chance to become more involved in local and national organized veterinary medicine.
Attend conferences, network with other professionals, and give back to the profession!
Learn more HERE or send a resume and letter of intent directly to Jamie Falzone
NOTE - our Emerging Leader position is filled until May 2027!