2023 - 2024 Legislative Positions


The current session started on January 4, 2023 and formal sessions end on July 31, 2024. January 20 was the deadline for bills to be filed. Bills can also be filed during the session as “late files.”

See what bills we're focused on this session. Look up your state legislators HERE and contact them to make your voice heard on issues that are important to you! If you have questions about contacting your representative or senator, don't hesitate to reach out to the MVMA office for talking points or tips.

2023-2024 Position Review

Bills We Support:

H.267 - An Act Relative to the Registration of Veterinarians

This bill would change the licensing period for veterinarians from every year to every other year.

S.1218 - An Act Relative to Non-Compete Agreements for Veterinarians

This bill would render any non-competes for veterinarians null and void

H.825 and S.487 - Acts Relative to Pesticides

This bill requires digitization of pesticide use forms for better monitoring of the use of Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs), and requires the increased use of Integrated Pest Management strategies in Massachusetts.

H.332 and S.207 - Acts Regulating the Practice and Licensure of Veterinary Technicians

This bill would create a subsidiary board for veterinary technology under the Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine to:
1. Determine and establish the criteria and regulations by which veterinary technicians would be licensed and registered; and
2. Establish the duties which supervising, Massachusetts-licensed veterinarians could assign to licensed veterinary technicians, and to non-licensed veterinary assistants, consistent with good veterinary medical practice.

H.1718 and S.1142 - An Act Relative to the Humane Protection of Animals

This bill contains a collection of measures which work to strengthen and finesse our animal cruelty laws.

H.1604 - An Act Addressing Investigations of Reports of Abuse and Neglect

This bill would improve laws relating to the reporting of animal abuse by human services agencies by removing the time limitation by which they need to make such reports. 

H.198 and S.90 - An Act Relative to Animal Welfare and DCF Regulations

This bill would prevent the Department of Children and Families from using breed as a factor to determine whether a family can adopt or foster children. It also will remove timing restrictions in the statutes that allow employees and contractors of human services agencies to report suspected animal cruelty. Currently, the timeframe for this reporting has been interpreted to apply only to the 10-day investigation period. This bill will ensure that suspected animal cruelty can be reported at any time the employee or contractor suspects it. 

HD.786: An Act relative to dangerous dogs
This bill would require all dogs that are deemed as dangerous to have a mandatory evaluation and regular meetings with a behavioral expert.

H.2423: An Act relative to providing advanced life support to police dogs
injured in the line of duty

This bill amends Nero's Law to allow for advanced life support training for paramedics to assist police K9s injured in the line of duty.

H.4564 and S.2731: An Act to Increase Kennel Safety, AKA Ollie's Law

Massachusetts currently has no state oversight of doggy daycare or boarding kennels. This legislation would require rules and regulations of these facilities.

Bills We Oppose:

S.1126 - An Act Promoting Pet Safety ("Crawford's Law")

This bill would increase damages and liability in cases of willful, wanton, reckless or negligent act or omission kills or causes or procures the death of an animal-companion. 

H.257 - An Act Relative to Equine Dentistry

This bill allows for teeth floating by "licensed equine dental practitioners" but includes: It shall not include dental procedures on canines and felines, nor shall controlled substances be used except by and on the order of a licensed veterinarian, as provided by state and federal law.

H.258 - An Act Relative to Licensure of Equine Dentists

This bill would define “Equine dental practitioner”, a person who is a veterinarian or who is certified by the international association of equine dentistry. They would be licensed under the Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine.

No Action:

S.2552 - An Act Prohibiting Inhumane Feline Declawing

This bill would prohibit declawing, onychectomy, or tendonectomy of a cat, unless completed for a therapeutic purpose. It includes fines for those found to have done them for non-therapeutic purposes.