Newsletter Classified Advertising 

The MassVet News is the newsletter published by the Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association. It has a circulation of over 1,600 subscribers, including over 1,400 member veterinarians. Readers find Association news and views, insights into veterinary medicine and practice, updates from governmental agencies, and general interest columns. The MassVet News accepts display ads and classified ads and is the source for employment opportunities for veterinarians, technicians, and veterinary office staff in Massachusetts. We currently publish six (6) issues per calendar year.

FREE ads for MVMA members: In each calendar year, MVMA Members may place, without charge, up to 3 classified ads not exceeding 100 words.

Claim your FREE Ad Here

After the first 3 ads, members are charged $30 for each additional ad not exceeding 100 words. Ads from non-members may be placed as space permits, with a fee of $50 per issue for each ad not exceeding 100 words.

Purchase a MassVet News Classified Ad Here

If preferred, feel free to print and mail/fax the downloadable form. You can also simply email the text to

Our classified ads are not just for hiring!


Consider posting:

  • Volunteer opportunities 
  • Social groups (run club, parents’ group, child playdates, etc.)
  • Items for sale


Publication Schedule and Deadlines

The publication schedule (with submission deadlines in parentheses) is as follows:

     February (January 5)
     April (March 5)
     June (May 5)
     August (July 5)
     October (September 5)
     December (November 5)

Advertising Information

  • Ads must be received by the above deadline and will be placed in the next available issue.
  • Advertising is at the MVMA's discretion, as space permits. The MVMA reserves the right to edit or not print any ad, and is not liable for misprints, errors, or omissions.
  • Classified Ads over 100 words (not including contact information) are strongly discouraged; a $15 charge applies to each additional 20 words or portion thereof.
  • Payment by check, American Express, MasterCard, or Visa is due in advance of the publication.

Questions regarding classified advertising can be directed to


Exhibitor & Advertising Policy