THANK YOU for volunteering to train first responders as part of Nero's Law!

Stipends for trainers

We are able to coordinate a $75/session for all trainers! To qualify, you must teach the practical training created by Drs. Schwarz and Majoy. If you teach this training in your community, be sure to fill out THIS FORM after so Jamie can coordinate payment via Tufts.

Need Materials/Dummy Dogs?

To reserve equipment for a Nero’s Law training, fill out THIS FORM. Please submit all equipment reservation requests at least 5 business days prior to the event. Borrowed equipment must be picked up and returned at the Kelley Simulation Lab. Directions to the lab are available on the lab’s About page

Trainers Needed

March 25, 2025 - Salem Hospital
7:00 - 8:30pm: Drs. Alexis Zallas and Elizabeth Austin, Amy Peltier, CVT, and Sgt. Stucenski

March 26, 2025 - GMEC Fairhaven
10:00 - 11:30am: Dr. Larry Venezia and Sgt. Stucenski

March 27, 2025 - GMEC Fairhaven
10:00 - 11:30am: Dr. Larry Venezia and Sgt. Stucenski

March 28, 2025 - Cataldo EMS (Worcester)
1:30 - 3:00pm: Drs. Donna Badner and Dan Mordarski; and Sgt. Stucenski

Cataldo EMS Trainings (Salem Hospital):
May 14: Dr. Dawn Brooks and Amy Peltier, CVT


Cataldo EMS Trainings (Woburn):
April 2: Dr. Dawn Brooks and Amy Peltier, CVT
April 10: Dr. Dawn Brooks and Amy Peltier, CVT
April 16:  Dr. Dawn Brooks and Amy Peltier, CVT
April 24: Drs. Alexis Zallas and Dawn Brooks; and Amy Peltier, CVT
May 8: Drs. Alexis Zallas and Dawn Brooks; and Amy Peltier, CVT
May 22: Dr. Dawn Brooks and Amy Peltier, CVT

April 23, 2025 - Coastal EMS Quincy (111 Brook Rd, Quincy, MA 02169)
6:30 - 8:00pm: *ONE VOLUNTEER NEEDED*

May 12, 2025 - Lowell General Hospital (295 Varnum Ave, Lowell, MA)
6:00 - 8:00pm: Drs. Dawn Brooks, Karen Wilson, and Carolyn Selavka; Rachael Dodson, CVT; and Sgt. Stucenski
EMS who would like to register for this session should e-mail 

May 20, 2025 - Coastal EMS Worcester (340 Tacoma St, Worcester, MA )
6:30 - 8:00pm: Dr. Dan Mordarski and Sgt. Stucenski 

Nero's Law News

The state has extended the deadline to train EMS in Nero’s Law to February 10, 2024. 

There are some other changes as well that we’d like to highlight:

  1. Only the didactic portion of the training has to be every 2 years, NOT the hands-on practical portion.
  2. Vet techs with certain certifications can present the practical portion without the presence of a veterinarian. Please note, only vet techs who are “credentialed as a Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America in Anesthesia, Surgery, Internal Medicine, or Emergency and Critical Care” are able to be faculty for the practical portion. A veterinarian remains required faculty for the didactic portion.
  3. Dogs present at practical training: The hands-on training requires a large dog who is not a police dog to be at the class, on which the EMTs would practice landmarking, as well as mannequins for backup. However, it continues to require a police K9 with its handler to be present, and clarifies their role in the training.

These updates are effective as of February 10, 2023


Train-the-Trainer Sessions and Resources:

These are trainings for YOU, the veterinary team!

Refresher training (July 11, 2023) - video starts at 9:55 minutes.

Recording of Train-the-Trainer session (January 17, 2023) - video starts at 9:28 minutes.

Recording of Train-the-Trainer session (December 21, 2022 at Tufts)

PowerPoint of Train-the-Trainer session (powerpoint)

If you have questions about delivery or need more information, please contact training developers:

Dr. Sean Majoy or Dr. David Schwarz

Training Materials for EMS Sessions:

These are materials for training EMS. You are only responsible for the Practical (hands-on) portion. There is no test for the Practical session.

The Didactic session is pre-recorded and EMS teams can watch it on their own. They should watch this BEFORE the hands-on session.

A veterinarian or CVT with special certifications MUST be present at each practical session. 

Helpful materials to have at the practical training:

  1. Police dog/resource dog – supplied by an attendant
  2. Muzzles (cloth, baskets, other)
  3. K9 mannequin
  4. Oxygen masks
  5. Bandage material
  6. SWAT-T wrap

Didactic Training (Reference Only)

EMS should take the Didactic Training before your Hands-On Training.

It's suggested that you also view the didactic training so you're familiar with the materials!

New OEMS Training Recording (official). Passcode: EMT-2023cmemsc
There are regional trainings so EMS looking for the recording should be in touch with OEMS to request their specific video.

To view the recording, you'll need to register with the site.
Your "current EMS provider level" is EMT
The EMS certification # is 000000
The registration key is EMT-2023cmemsc

Didactic Training Outline

Didactic Training Powerpoint (very large Google file - you'll likely need to request access)
** You can use this powerpoint to familiarize yourself with content but should NOT use it to teach EMS**

Practical Training (What You're Teaching)

How to schedule trainings in your community
  • MVMA is receiving requests from local EMS teams and will contact you if there's one in your area.
  • You can reach out to local first responders in surrounding towns
  • You can coordinate with your regional OEMS office to let them know when you'd like to offer a course

    • Find which region your town is in HERE
    • Find contact info for the regional offices HERE
  • If a local station needs veterinary staff, email Jamie and she can help coordinate trainings.

It is recommended to have no more than 20 EMTs to 1 veterinarian.