Regulatory Affairs

Here in Massachusetts

The MVMA has an ongoing relationship with the Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine. Our current Regulatory Relations Liaison attends the Board's monthly meetings and is in constant communications regarding the state of veterinary medicine and the regulations that govern it in Massachusetts.

Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Cruelty/Abuse -The Paws Act was signed into law in August of 2014. Read more about your responsibilities as a licensed veterinarian in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine

Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Contact the Massachusetts DEA Division:

Boston: (617) 557-2100

Cape Cod: (508) 790-3713

New Bedford: (508) 996-4804

Springfield: (413) 306-6920

Worcester: (508) 793-0110


Other Helpful Links

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

Massachusetts Control Substance Registration (MCSR)

Across the Country
The MVMA helps to shape policies in organized veterinary medicine through our participation in the AVMA House of Delegates.  

AVMA Delegate - Lauren Atkins,  MS, DVM, MPH
AVMA Alternate Delegate - Martha Smith-Blackmore, DVM