Final Gift Rainbow Bridge Token Program
Choose Final Gift for end-of-life services and give back to animals in need in Massachusetts via MVMA Charities!
Have you heard about the Rainbow Bridge Token Program?

Since 2014, Final Gift has partnered with MVMA Charities (MVMAC) to offer a token program to clients who have lost their pets.
At participating practices, clients who opt for a private cremation will receive a commemorative "token" and note indicating that a contribution has been made to MVMAC in memory of their beloved pet. For each private cremation, MVMA Charities receives $2.
These dollars add up! Each year MVMA Charities receives nearly $13,000 from the program. There is no cost to a participating practice - a $5 fee is added to the cost of the private cremation and Final Gift handles distribution of funds.
If you have any questions or wish to participate in this program, please contact Keith Ducharme by email.