Government Relations and Advocacy Committee
Chair: The Liberty Square Group
The Government Relations and Advocacy Committee (GRAC) is responsible for examining each bill filed in the Massachusetts legislature related to animals or veterinary medicine. The committee shall discuss and report its recommendations to the Executive Board for its consideration of either favoring or opposing a particular bill. If necessary, the committee will help draft testimony and/or letters to be shared with legislators and MVMA members.
Details/time commitment: The GRAC has regular quarterly Zoom meetings scheduled throughout the year, with periodic extra meetings scheduled as needed during the busy season. We try to coordinate committee meetings with times that work for a majority of members, often in the evening hours after work. There is periodic online discussion between meetings. The average time commitment for committee members is 20 hours/year.
MVMA succeeds because members volunteer their time and talents for the benefit of their colleagues, the veterinary profession, the association, and animals.
If you're interested in volunteering for any of these committees, contact the MVMA office or fill out THIS FORM.